Friday, September 23, 2005

School to start soon

So another school year is about to start. I finally got appointed to a graduate student position so I don't have to accrue more student loans! I'm a TA for the technology course all teachers in training have to take. Should be pretty good.

A couple of weeks ago, George and my high school friend Grey came up to Seattle and we attended a mini-gaming convention hosted by a couple of Wizards of the Coast employees. You may remember me mentioning it last year. Anyway, it was great fun and we played a lot of DnD Miniatures and board games. The weekend went by a bit too quickly, however, and we didn't really get to hang out much other than attending the con.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

blog update

I finally got around to putting up the archives for Chang's Posse. It can be found at

Also, looks like we can upload images just fine with Blogger! Hooray!